Minggu, 02 November 2014

Enjoy the View

Water Front Kuching, Malaysia

Banyak stories dan experiences yang didapat ketika berkunjung ke suatu tempat yang belum pernah kita kunjungi sebelumnya. Setiap tempat mempunyai keunikannya masing-masing. Seperti halnya ketika saya mengunjungi Kuching, Malaysia bersama teman-teman dari kampus FKIP, Universitas Tanjungpura dalam rangka mengikuti kegiatan ICLS (International Conference Language Studies). Salah satu tempat yang menjadi iconnya kota ini adalah Water Front. Pemandangan pada siang hari nampak biasa saja seperti pemandangan kota-kota pada umumnya. Namun tetap nyaman untuk bersantai sambil menikmati smoothie or soft drink di temani cemilan. Menjelang malam ketika langit sudah gelap dan lampu-lampu mulai menyala barulah pemandangannya terasa berbeda. Saya pun tak mau melewatkan kesempatan ini. So, here are my pics of the night views at Water Front, Kuching, Malaysia.

Senin, 15 September 2014

Wake me up

Libur sudah dua bulan lebih tapi aq masih terlena dgan suasana liburan ini. OMG, aq seharusnya sudah bangun dri liburan (mimpi) indah ini. Masih banyak tugas2 yg belum dan harus aq selesaikan. Aq terlalu terlena degn liburan ini sampai2 melewatkan 2 good chances to upgrade my ability. Fun vacation masih terbayang di pikiranku, not only that it's also about heartbreak. I should move on. Semester lalu aq sudah berniat  untuk focus saja pada kuliah di semster ini. Semoga bisa di wujudkan. Ya Tuhan, help me to finish my study fluently and  make my dreams come true.  Amin

Senin, 28 April 2014

Struggling in Life

Just wanna say "Do not force yourself to be the best but force yourself to do the best". That's my motto of life. I also wanna share the following picture.

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Restarting to write... Chayoo

What I want to write tonight, actually I'm still confused. The last time I wrote my blog was last year. This is the second post in my blog. Ohh... I realized how lazy I was. Now, I have to make my self become friend with WRITING because I really need to be familiar with writing in English as one of the process of learning English. No matter how bad my writing, still I have to continue it. Perhaps, my writing will be better throught the time by practicing a lot to write "WHATEVER" in my blog hehe.....So, Nda keep going, don't be lazy anymore.

Yesterday, when we were learning TEFL Methodology, my lecturer Mr. Urai reminded  us the important of writing especially for us as students who are learning English language. I realized, the benefit of practicing writing in English is not only for accomplishing or doing the tasks from the lecturers but also important for our own life in real situation especially for written communication just like fb, twitter, etc.   
Now, I'm sleepy.. Ta ta bye now. See you tomorrow ya my blog.. miss you. Can't wait to write here again tomorrow.

#Picture:  the ladies of S2 Vacation#

Selasa, 26 November 2013

my first trial

Pontianak, Sunday 24 November 2013.

This is Digulist monument. This monument is located on roundabout of Ahmad Yani street. This monument becomes one of the symbols of Pontianak city. I took this picture around 6 pm after leaving my beloved campus FKIP UNTAN. This picture is my first trial I took without my friends from KFKH who used to hunt out pictures with me. I miss all of you my friends.